sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021

Gone sight seeing

 if it rings true

how bitter dry my mouth has been

despite rainy eyes, shallow and disperse 

its dew a waste of saliva run astray

clothes of moderation cannot conceal salvation

alcohol is not the Higher Power that cures a cowards heart

the award of merit is my own and the judge personal and familiar 

closer to Home, a tribute, don't you hate me, you own me

lying, cheating my patience gazed away in a distance farewell

to the bitter possibilities of change that came to bring me joy

one quick to burn when we met at the crossroad of goodbyes

must we deny happiness at its climax? no celebrations

no more birthday cake, no parents glee, no one left to bury

that was my decision

do not sympathize with the conclusions of my meltdown

I ran and keep running away from stable ground

at least until I have no more friends around, no more time to combat this demons

to find myself in doubt, to drown despite knowing how to float, to swim one needs determination I suppose

if ever a lie I was told, which I recent...father

is how Time does not amend this wound, this pain does not fade

my heart was caged at Home

and nowhere else feels like home.

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