segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2022

river of blood rushing, pouring, 

enerving waking up call

no longer drums, a siren

a forbidden softer rythem

from just to stormy weather

all is imagination and untold wasteful honey

golden legacy stolen from the sun

never sweeter than taken off a children's grasp

chopping teeth and coercing a surrender together

 to the hive mind we bow together

merrier candy for those left starring at the mirror

cycle once cycle twice, faded to repeat the circle

we say we are okay, tormented by empty words

that feel like waves crashing in hallow shore

daring admission, it is dangerous to travel alone

a leer to the crowd sparks concern that is tangible

to a polished believe from the looking type

a voyage towards the open seas held by prayer

word by word lighter and stronger, a waste of have, held, touched and thrown

a turn off, was not careful with what was a true lesson to shine upon the dying light

a turtle carries her whole home atop her back

lift off, seafare and all it takes one I am lead to believe

the wind calls to me ever fleeting and the anxiety is suffocating

exausting to act like a person that I do not know

nor can come to grips that I do not trust

a skin that trips me under a minefield of insecurities

I get spiked by the turbulense of curiosity

poke, probe and caress 

grab it and spin it

allow these million spikes to bleed me out

deconstruct mayfare better weather

on clever words without you

on the day we disappear amongst dust

from fame to widespread tumult

is it known secrets are best left alone.

what's so special about you?

braving the cold right to put up a poor fight

flag up the committal to flee on self-imposed exile

let it known nothing of remote importance shall change.

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