sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024

blacken tongue, tv static. effortless desire to be anything other than human

disfigures the happy faces

waving back, at me

through a cracked screen

they are so thoughtful

on a loop repeating a speech

of parasocial brew

a deadly cocktail, attire and regal format

blade in the ribs; poison for dessert

no farewells or goodbyes for everyone dies

in the end. in this perfect story no ones worth it

seemingly summoned into being

a foot on a landmine afraid of running into paradise

I dreamt of Buddha buried in white crystal sand

the gravitas a spear through the reset of misty rain in a sad day

a walk by the park in source for reasons

to contemplate what power contained in breathing

can produce the euphoria born in Eden

the bitterness of salt awash this island

has us preserved in volcanic tomb

Julian the whale a titanic watchtower, both guardian and villain

demon and angel for his belly contains sustenance and grave

never truly an empty space for refuse

nor salvation for the drown rejoin the cycle

anew, hard to realize the release is not found in a crux

but a coffin instead, name engraved my heartbreak.

cemented the design meant to unfold

swallowing whole the specie that aware

thought itself special and unique

a flawed logic self-imploding from inside

an avalanche of tremendous conseguence

alas, in the spectral of the aftermath the individual

does not matter but should we split the atom

we will all die

as babies we shan't strive

nor survive without a nurturing kind guidance

a blessing now forgone, out of reach

I never understood why I felt inapt

felt broken and less than human

I now remember I went into hiding 

and gone back to sleep.

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