terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2024


being purposely unconfortable is a game (to me)

it provides reasoning (artificial) but the rain and danger

are very much real and these tribulations

may they rain firm on me, confort me dearly.

chancing it hook by crook, each lie a seed to sow disaster and seal my fate:

may a wolf carve my skin and crow reject my flesh afterwards

in the rules the outcome is unimportant and the winner an afterthought

glasses a forbidden item for vision and clarity

take away from the meaning and ideals

in this too rain is the superior element

a pleasure to meet you, that much is certain

weathered by circunstance, some call it fate

denying actions that drove them to darker shores

where good men have gone lost and yet

I was not good to start with. 

I was born by accident, late and broken

imperfect and unurtured, unable to breath

man was not made to be sustained by machine

civilization has denied me natural selection

evolution without reason is not paradise

I believe I was saved by a guardian angel

and I have the impression I saw her before,

and the empthiness of having seen her leave

only extends my angish and desire

only in the ocean I feel safe

in the weightlessness of a receiving wave

do my arms feel content and under no duress

water does not bite nor burn

in the scent of salt I feel reset and free

content, I feel returned to Eden.

Today I had a dream, no, a Vision

a callback, a memory reborn, found, returned

I saw, met, by chance, waiting for me

a friend, once lost, do my eyes decieve me or did my faith grown back?

have I gone mad? why do I sing to the rain, the droplets echoes of a childhood summer fever in grief

in the wrong month, wrong time, mismanaged accidental foggy spaces

no one told me where to go so I suppose I stumbled

upon a deep dive in the bottom of an ocean

that does not push forward, whose receding waves and low tide

confirm a link that familiar can only, truly, be a projection, a blur, a clock gone full circle.

never mind, the pyre spare no fools and smoke travels higher than my desires. 

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