segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2019

A phantom lays low underneath your ear.

Body sweat can cure jealousy, petrify demons
eat away the apple of my eye and looking back
I drank 'till I believed in roller coasters leading to God

The venom of diving down the hatch of affirmative response
Why yes sir I choke gracefully, do note the needle and remember
Chopping fingers can lead to decomposition, got it memorized?

Warfare mimics a getaway of a lab rat greater wall banging
Chopped teeth experience the regurgitate a fragrance of decay
Tensions wasteful at a glance, motherfuckers be on the offense

Some questions do not fulfill their purpose, eating away at curiosity
Did my unborn twin earned a proper burial under the divine veil?
Is he floating in the wind, set off in adventure towards ours truly

might just be a dreadful waste of time 'innit?
a vigilant outlook true, snooping around and listening
picking up clues like a cannibal scavenges for corpses
too feeble to kill, not quite desperate enough to bite the hand
In order to feed I swear I would do many a despicably things
but sleaziness will prevail, not to fears disadvantage ahah
It is very much so present, in mild dosage, makeup of my being
A phantom lays low underneath your ear, those halls of perdition
Should thy words string erratically one can do away with thy tongue;

I find my saga is all but lost, all too driven to pick up speed towards the window
I am but a fiend whose hands crave response, whose flesh is coarse and bitter
a desk slamming demon that grew up chasing voices in the rain, misspelled and all
dispel this curse, anyone, and I raise my chest in disbelief if it were not my lies
that sabotaged my destiny, lock-downed my memory to a fermented mess of shit

and I swear, oh yes I swear the reason I conduct myself in faint melancholic
nonetheless, easily identifiable hand flowing monologue is to pay tribute to hope'
to jump the wall and land fairly well in appropriate sing-along, should she be listening.

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