quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2018

Infected dreams

Pinpoint my draining spirit
My answer is a resounding negative
Impulse to leg it, that rasp voice
Is a disease that clocks towards disaster
How can one become better?

I'll treat it like it should be
A foreshadow of disonesty
Though it is grave and daunting
To live to lose, grasp for torment
Canned worms are the evidence

 What else could be conforting
Caress the hair, interlock it
Felt like time itself spat opportunity
"Killing time that I left behind
Everything changes to a point that it stops and it turns around"
Glares impertinently like it knew now and then
The frame, make it dismay and sorrow
Of what would come to be

Imaginary friends, those whose voices
Sang in the breeze, carried over the sea
Where reflections were sparkles of brightness
My name a truce, war games lead sideways
Blood spilt granted companship; the true reward
Youth, a fortitude far greater deserving
And then there's me.

and if human interaction is a circus
of minor conseguence the falling down
factored into the ocupation
Provided, clarity ticks one over
the ledge of superiority, fitting
to become part of a orgasnism
It's mission desolation, stop.

In my infected dreams
I too can kill the buggyman
It's face familiar
It's voice peculiar
Her resolve inviting
Let the dead stay hidden.

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