what has crawled out the skin
was not healing but acceptance
rejected by the body akin to disease
oily, slimey and quite frankly stinky
an obscene solution laced with vandalism
violence to the people atop the mid-sized donkey
child I barely distinguise tree from stump, all the pretty colours
are anothers to name and frame
to capture axe by splint on the table, desk and chair
do not forget the closet, wardrobe and cabinet
made especially for your mother
how to envelop and elupe bad decisions
rejected by the atribute of harmful domain
appropriation and self-reflection a trap on the lake
where crystal devours humans.
improvise, adapt, for the sake of circunstance
we dance under the moonlight, sheltered from bad decisions
adulthood starts when you come to realize
there is only lending never a prize
replacing the protection of guardians for the betrayal of allowing the outside
to step inside and murk the place abouts.
heresy is neither thought nor false prayer
there ain't a cloud of difference in my position
a held scream a stain in the throat, quirky and in the way
of peace of mind when I sit down.
I once had a date witnessing a live autopsy, my idea
we clicked, laughted and walked away that day
a mistake meant to fade away, a grave to entertain on an otherwise dull convencional sequence
of words to pass the time, chopping at the letters carelessly because